Own your career, turn up the volume and show your value in 2024 by joining the Lead With Your Brand Challenge!
Now, as we launch into the new year, is the perfect time to use the five steps of the Lead WIth Your Brand! system to build your personal brand.
Each Tuesday, listen to the podcast & learn about the next step to build your personal brand and help you toward your next Career Breakthrough! There are even free downloadable worksheets with each step to help you in the process.
Plus, hear from amazing leaders in entertainment, tech, media & more on their best career advice. We are starting Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024 and continuing for five weeks. Plus, catch our 2023 year in review episode to get your inspiration juices flowing! Ask yourself, in your career, are you coffee or are you Starbucks?
An introduction to the Lead With Your Brand System
What if you were to use a brand marketer’s toolkit to build your own personal brand? What if you thought about yourself as a product? In a world where thousands of people do your exact same job, you must find a way to be more than just a commodity worker. In your career, you must be a Super-Premium Brand that gets people to do more, contribute more, and pay you more – just like they do for great brands that they love.
Now -- more than ever -- get your leaders to pivot, breakthrough and lead in new & bigger ways.
January 2, 2024
Step One: Define Your Audience
You have got to find your target audience. Let’s make it really simple. Think about the people who love you. Who are your raving fans today? Who buys your services? Who promotes you? Who asks you to be on their team? Now, what is the secret sauce between that group of people that you can define as your tribe that your brand can super serve.
Listen to the Step One show:
January 9, 2024
Step Two: Know What You Stand For Today
Here is the dirty little secret. We can all smell inauthenticity from a mile away and it reeks! If you’re thinking, “I want to be Steve Jobs” or “I want to be Sheryl Sandberg” or “I want to have Oprah Winfrey‘s brand,” the truth is, you are not Oprah, and you’re never going to be her! Who you are is you. What you can be is THE BEST you!
Listen to Step Two show:
January 16, 2024
Step Three : Refine Who You Want To Be
Now you can refine who you want to be by turning up the volume to be the best you you can be. I don’t just say, “I’m a good presenter.” I say, “I’m a showman!” I don’t just say, “hey I’m well networked and have great relationships with people.” I say, “I’m a super connector!” Why just be analytical when you can be a Data Guru? If you are organized, are you really a Precision Executor? If you are innovative, are you really a First-Mover who is the first to jump onto new ideas and trends?
Listen to Step Three show:
January 23, 2024
Step Four : Keep Up Your Image
The bottom line is a Brand isn’t about words that you put on paper. It’s about the actions and the choices you make every single day. Take those brand attributes and peel the layers back. Great brands think about their brand filter. Create your formula that determines the way that you dress, the way that you maintain your office space, and most importantly, the way you create you create your signature projects.
January 30, 2024
Step Five : Promote Yourself
You have heard the old saying, “if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it really make a sound?” The same thing is true about your brand. You can do all of the work to put it down on paper and be thoughtful about your actions and your choices. But, if no one is hearing about it, nobody knows about you.